Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Eenie Meenie Miny Moe

In the article “Obama Team Weighs What to Take on First,” writer Peter Baker tells us of how they were talking about doing al of these great things to make the United States a better place to live, but with all the issues maybe they should start to look at the ones that are right now problems that need to be solved immediately. The one issue that they are looking at as a big thing to take care of is the 700billion dollar bail out.
Without taking any sides to the political campaign and what has been going on in these past months, I would like to say that Mr. Barrak Obama made some outstanding points on things that needed to be “changed” immediately. Personally, I think that the drop in the stock market really helped his decision on what to do first because otherwise he might have focused on stupid little things, but now they have really noticed the financial troubles they will get to repairing that. What does this do for me? Well soon I will be able to drive and soon I will have to get a job, and if money is no more or everything goes down in price than I am left without a way to support myself. If it does not seem that it is a “right now” problem, well than he has another thing coming. So thank god he decided to work on that first.

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