Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Eenie Meenie Miny Moe

In the article “Obama Team Weighs What to Take on First,” writer Peter Baker tells us of how they were talking about doing al of these great things to make the United States a better place to live, but with all the issues maybe they should start to look at the ones that are right now problems that need to be solved immediately. The one issue that they are looking at as a big thing to take care of is the 700billion dollar bail out.
Without taking any sides to the political campaign and what has been going on in these past months, I would like to say that Mr. Barrak Obama made some outstanding points on things that needed to be “changed” immediately. Personally, I think that the drop in the stock market really helped his decision on what to do first because otherwise he might have focused on stupid little things, but now they have really noticed the financial troubles they will get to repairing that. What does this do for me? Well soon I will be able to drive and soon I will have to get a job, and if money is no more or everything goes down in price than I am left without a way to support myself. If it does not seem that it is a “right now” problem, well than he has another thing coming. So thank god he decided to work on that first.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Waste or Value?

In the article Drills for Smart boards, the writer Wesley Fryer is against the idea of having smart boards, and thinks that it is a total waste of the district fundings, and that it is the cause of the 21st century skills.
There is not a load of information on the topic, all it is, is just a strongly voiced opinion on what Wesley Fryer thinks about thinks about the idea of Smart boards. Let’s all be honest, they do cost a lot of money, and who’s to say that one teacher who gets the smart board is any more important than the other teachers. Last year I had a math teacher who wanted a smart board, and she used it every day for all of her classes. It is only a waste of many if you don’t use it. What my teacher last year did is, is she would write the notes of the lesson on the smart board on the word pad, and then later she would upload the note to the teacher website, and then when the kids eventually got the homework they could look at the notes and be able to do the homework with no exceptions, and that was really helpful for me. Another thing that she would do to sort of train of for the technology of the future, is that she would call everyone up to the board individually on separate days and have them do a problem or whatever.. This way there was no excuse to not having done the homework. So as you can see, that smart boards are a huge expense to have, but think of it as an investment because it helps the children for the future be able to use the 21st century technology.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tired of Learning?

For the Education Blog, I have chosen an article called “Actively Opposing Creativity Fatigue.” This is an old article by Wesley Fryer, and it is simply about teachers who have been teaching the same subject for a very long time, and they no longer wish to learn anymore. This strikes up an odd conversation because it almost seems like an oxymoron for a teacher not wanting to learn anymore. Maybe they just don’t feel that they can learn anymore, but I have a hard time believing that because with all of the new coming ideas people are always developing new concepts for how to learn and what to learn.
My standpoint on this situation is simple. If they wish to not learn anymore about the subject they teach, than I wish not to learn anything more about science. I’m never going to use it, so why waste my time taking a class that will not help me in my profession of drumming. On the other hand I am sure they are just tired of learning new things. Maybe they like their style and are just done. Whatever it may be, I know that you can never learn too much about anything.

Obama's Rubber Mcains...Dumb

In the article “Who Gets it” by Mike Littwin, Senator John McCain is a demeaning representative running for the presidencies of the United States of America. I’m not sure if he is doing what he’s doing because of the race that Senator Barrack Obama posses or if he thinks that Obama is just a dumb, but John McCain in his past statements in his most recent debate has been saying things like “Obama doesn’t get it.” Obama is paying attention to every time that McCain says that and in Obama’s returning statement, he is firing back with the same subject, showing that he does get it.
As for me, I know that politics can get ugly and the runners for president will say whatever they have to to win the votes of the American people. Personally, McCain is an idiot for seeming like he is testing Obama on what political issues he knows about and ones he doesn’t, and the reason for that being the most blockheaded political tactic ever because Obama could just listen to what McCain is testing him on, and fire back with an awesome statement showing that he may be more interactive with the subject than McCain. In the end Obama won the argument for proving McCain wrong.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Need a Tutor, Use the Computer

Brightstorm: High School Help is on the Way, is almost like an advertisement that is trying to get kids to register to an online school with professional teachers that are supposedly really good. It helps you for high school, but also gets you prepared for college.
I chose this blog for my PLN this week because it was intriguing to hear how there is a web site that can be used as a personal tutor. Whoever created that was a smart person because there are just some subjects that are really hard or we just don’t get, so this way we are almost having our teachers at home with us. The online teachers can help us not only for or high school career, but also our college ones too. On the other hand though, you could totally blow off school and jus6t use the internet. That could hinder you, but at least you are still getting your education. So all around I think that the website Brightstorm is a great idea.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cons Can Vote

Had Trouble Hyperlinking from Home
In the New York Times there is a spot for just politics, and in this spot I found an article titled “States Restore Voting Rights to Ex-Convicts.” The whole article is about making some republican Charlie Crist look good because he changed the rule for ex-convicts to vote.
Personally this topic has nothing to do with me, and quite frankly doesn’t even matter to me, but I did find it interesting that those rights were even taken away in the first place. It seems like something of a silly rule because whether they are convicts or not, that doesn’t affect the way they vote. And let’s just say that id does affect the way they vote, it doesn’t matter because when you vote it is all based on who you think will do the better job. I guess that’s all taken care of now that they have the power back. Actually that is almost against the constitution because it takes away democracy for some people. I am glad that they got their rights back.

Cell Phone or Planner

Free Mobile Alerts, is a web blog that was designed by a teacher that wishes to, if you will, “follow the students home,” to remind them to do their homework. The two websites that she uses are TextMarks created by Michael Richards and Phonevite created by Jym Brittain. TextMark is someone from a computer can type a message or something out on the webpage, and then send it to all of the subscribers who put their phone numbers into the database to be updated. Phonevite is a website where a teacher or somebody that needs to get a message out to a lot of people can say something into a microphone and recorded. Then, just like TextMark, all of the people who put their numbers into the database will get the message.
First of all I would like to say that this is too much work on the teachers’ part that plans on doing this. I wouldn’t necessarily say that she is wasting her time, but if she feels that she needs to be contacting the kids on their cell phones, there is obviously a homework struggle. TextMark is the stupidest one because some kids (like me) can have a cell phone but have no text messaging. If this is so, than how are these kids going to be contacted if they need to be. Phonevite is a little more understandable because you can actually hear it, and there’s no possible way that a kid can have a cell phone and only have texting. And then there are kids who don’t have cell phones at all because of different reasons. All in all, I think it should just be the students’ responsibility to either remember the homework or write it down somewhere. If I was a teacher I wouldn’t follow my kids home.