Monday, October 20, 2008

Waste or Value?

In the article Drills for Smart boards, the writer Wesley Fryer is against the idea of having smart boards, and thinks that it is a total waste of the district fundings, and that it is the cause of the 21st century skills.
There is not a load of information on the topic, all it is, is just a strongly voiced opinion on what Wesley Fryer thinks about thinks about the idea of Smart boards. Let’s all be honest, they do cost a lot of money, and who’s to say that one teacher who gets the smart board is any more important than the other teachers. Last year I had a math teacher who wanted a smart board, and she used it every day for all of her classes. It is only a waste of many if you don’t use it. What my teacher last year did is, is she would write the notes of the lesson on the smart board on the word pad, and then later she would upload the note to the teacher website, and then when the kids eventually got the homework they could look at the notes and be able to do the homework with no exceptions, and that was really helpful for me. Another thing that she would do to sort of train of for the technology of the future, is that she would call everyone up to the board individually on separate days and have them do a problem or whatever.. This way there was no excuse to not having done the homework. So as you can see, that smart boards are a huge expense to have, but think of it as an investment because it helps the children for the future be able to use the 21st century technology.

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