Monday, September 29, 2008

Tired of Learning?

For the Education Blog, I have chosen an article called “Actively Opposing Creativity Fatigue.” This is an old article by Wesley Fryer, and it is simply about teachers who have been teaching the same subject for a very long time, and they no longer wish to learn anymore. This strikes up an odd conversation because it almost seems like an oxymoron for a teacher not wanting to learn anymore. Maybe they just don’t feel that they can learn anymore, but I have a hard time believing that because with all of the new coming ideas people are always developing new concepts for how to learn and what to learn.
My standpoint on this situation is simple. If they wish to not learn anymore about the subject they teach, than I wish not to learn anything more about science. I’m never going to use it, so why waste my time taking a class that will not help me in my profession of drumming. On the other hand I am sure they are just tired of learning new things. Maybe they like their style and are just done. Whatever it may be, I know that you can never learn too much about anything.

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