Monday, September 15, 2008

Cell Phone or Planner

Free Mobile Alerts, is a web blog that was designed by a teacher that wishes to, if you will, “follow the students home,” to remind them to do their homework. The two websites that she uses are TextMarks created by Michael Richards and Phonevite created by Jym Brittain. TextMark is someone from a computer can type a message or something out on the webpage, and then send it to all of the subscribers who put their phone numbers into the database to be updated. Phonevite is a website where a teacher or somebody that needs to get a message out to a lot of people can say something into a microphone and recorded. Then, just like TextMark, all of the people who put their numbers into the database will get the message.
First of all I would like to say that this is too much work on the teachers’ part that plans on doing this. I wouldn’t necessarily say that she is wasting her time, but if she feels that she needs to be contacting the kids on their cell phones, there is obviously a homework struggle. TextMark is the stupidest one because some kids (like me) can have a cell phone but have no text messaging. If this is so, than how are these kids going to be contacted if they need to be. Phonevite is a little more understandable because you can actually hear it, and there’s no possible way that a kid can have a cell phone and only have texting. And then there are kids who don’t have cell phones at all because of different reasons. All in all, I think it should just be the students’ responsibility to either remember the homework or write it down somewhere. If I was a teacher I wouldn’t follow my kids home.

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