Monday, September 22, 2008

Need a Tutor, Use the Computer

Brightstorm: High School Help is on the Way, is almost like an advertisement that is trying to get kids to register to an online school with professional teachers that are supposedly really good. It helps you for high school, but also gets you prepared for college.
I chose this blog for my PLN this week because it was intriguing to hear how there is a web site that can be used as a personal tutor. Whoever created that was a smart person because there are just some subjects that are really hard or we just don’t get, so this way we are almost having our teachers at home with us. The online teachers can help us not only for or high school career, but also our college ones too. On the other hand though, you could totally blow off school and jus6t use the internet. That could hinder you, but at least you are still getting your education. So all around I think that the website Brightstorm is a great idea.

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