Monday, September 8, 2008

Education/No Screen Time

A No Screens Sunday Afternoon Speed of Creativity Blog

Author: Unknown

Basically what this person is saying is that his/her family is constantly doing something that is plugged into some sort of “screen.” They saw this as something that wasn’t necessarily bad, but they saw it as something that could be changed. The author comes right out and says “I certainly am indicting myself,” meaning that he his in the same boat.
My reaction to this post was set into place along time ago when a system called Playstation came out. And of course as I got older I got Myspace and discovered Youtube, thus I was on the computer all the time. This actually struck an interest more in my parents than it did in me because they are very big believers in family time. This would be our “No screen time.” Now that I am older, I can see where my parents saw an arising problem in my fascination with a glowing box. Now I value their decision because that just brought me to be closer with my family.

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